Memcached is a data caching platform, which has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its effectiveness. It’s used to cache queries and replies between a database and the app that is using it, which can boost the overall performance of your site and reduce the generated server load drastically. Anytime a page on an app-powered website is visited, the application connects to the database and "asks" what info should be shown, and then pulls it. With Memcached, these steps are skipped, since the platform has already cached all the content that should be shown on a given webpage. When any content is modified, the Memcached content is ‘refreshed’ too, so the website visitors will never see out-of-date content. The platform is an excellent option for every website that lures many visitors, since it will speed it up and will improve the overall user experience.
Memcached in Shared Hosting
When you host script-powered sites in a shared hosting account with us, you will be able to add the Memcached data caching system to your hosting package with just a couple of clicks of the mouse via your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The upgrade will be available momentarily and, since the required PHP extension is already installed on our cutting-edge cloud hosting platform, you can start using it right away. To give you more versatility, we offer two different upgrades related to the number of instances (i.e. how many websites will use Memcached) and to the memory that the Memcached caching system will use. The latter is offered in increments of 16 megabytes and you can order as much memory as you wish. Logically, the more memory the Memcached caching system is permitted to use, the more data it will cache, so in case you own a heavy-traffic website with lots of content, you may need more memory so as to be able to make the most of the power that Memcached can give you.